Fixers Sustainability Plan, Submission to the Big Lottery Fund
Carney Green worked with Fixers’ Chief Executive and Senior Management Team (SMT) to produce a sustainability business plan to support a successful £6m funding application to the Big Lottery Fund. During a series of business planning sessions, Carney Green worked with SMT to review the organisation’s revenue activity, revise cashflow forecasts and develop a comprehensive sustainability plan which set out how the organisation would achieve: zero dependency on lottery funding within 4 years; a sustainable shift from restricted funds to unrestricted funds; a balanced portfolio of revenue raising activities; and a phased cost reduction programme.
Having successfully secured the Big Lottery funding, Carney Green also facilitated planning sessions with the organisations’ Trustees and middle managers to operationalise the plan and help ensure the long-term future of the organisation.
What we do: Green Book-Compliant Business Cases